Rodolf Drosche Killed in ATV Crash on SH 36 in Coryell County

Rodolf Drosche Killed in ATV Crash on SH 36 in Coryell County

Rodolf Drosche Killed in Coryell County ATV Crash on State Highway 36

Rodolf Drosche Killed

Rodolf Drosche Killed in ATV Crash on SH 36 in Coryell County

Coryell County, Texas – A man was killed Saturday morning in an ATV crash in Coryell County, according to the Texas DPS.

The deadly accident happened around 11:00 a.m., June 8, on State Highway 36.

DPS said Rodolf Carl Drosche, 82, of Gatesville, was driving a Honda FourTrax ATV Off-Road Highway Vehicle at a rural mailbox to get his mail on a private drive. A 64-year-old Gatesville man was driving a 2012 Dodge Ram pickup truck eastbound approaching the ATV.

Drosche failed to yield the right of way, pulled into the path of the truck, and collided with it.

Drosche was taken to the Hillcrest Hospital in Waco where he later died.

The DPS is investigating the crash.

Having represented victims of auto accidents in Texas for more than 21 years, we know what questions or concerns you may have, and we know how to obtain compensation for your injuries, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. Whether your accident was investigated by the Houston Police, Sheriff, Constable, or State Troopers, our law firm will obtain the accident report, contact the at-fault party’s insurance, and open a claim for your damages. In addition to obtaining the crash report and creating a claim, our Houston personal injury attorney will also secure accident photos, interview any witnesses, and consult with an expert accident re-constructionist as necessary. At Joel A. Gordon & Associates, we will act quickly to secure accident scene photos, interview witnesses, obtain police records, and secure other valuable evidence needed to win your case.  Call now for a free consultation.

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