Arlington Left Turn Accident Lawyer

Our Arlington Left Turn Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Left turn accidents can be extremely dangerous, often resulting in severe injuries or even fatalities for those involved. In many cases, at least one vehicle involved is traveling at a high speed, leading to catastrophic outcomes in the event of a collision. Understandably, this can cause anxiety and a sense of fear for individuals when making left turns on busy roads. If you or a loved one has been injured in such an accident, it is crucial to consult with an experienced Arlington left-turn accident lawyer who can protect your rights. You deserve to receive full compensation for all the injuries and damages you have suffered. Don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation with an attorney who specializes in handling left-turn accident cases.

Arlington Left Turn Accident Lawyer

Arlington Left Turn Accident Lawyer

Left Turn Accident Statistics

According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), making a left turn is one of the primary causes of car accidents. Our car accident lawyers were surprised to discover the statistics on left-hand turn accidents while writing this page. Approximately 22% of all car accidents involve a vehicle making a left turn, and 53% of all accidents that occur at intersections are the result of left turns. Our lawyers handle many claims related to left-turn accidents, but the proportion is not as high as the overall statistics suggest.

The NHTSA estimates that almost half of the 6 million auto accidents that happen each year are related to intersections, with the majority of these involving left turns. The risk associated with making left turns is so significant that UPS has implemented a route-optimization strategy for its delivery drivers that minimizes left turns.

Over 53% of accidents that occur when crossing paths involve left turns, while less than 6% involve right turns. It’s important to consider this stark contrast: there are nearly ten times more car accidents involving left turns compared to right turns.

Who Is Negligent After A Left Turn Car Accident?

fault for a left turn car accident depends on the specific circumstances and the applicable traffic laws. In general, the following parties may be considered negligent in a left turn car accident:

  1. Left-Turning Driver: The driver making the left turn is often presumed to be at fault in a collision, as they have a duty to yield to oncoming traffic unless they have a protected left turn signal. Failing to properly judge the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles or turning without a clear and safe gap can be considered negligent.

  2. Right-of-Way Violator: The driver who fails to yield the right of way to the left-turning vehicle may be deemed negligent if they were speeding, running a red light, or otherwise violating traffic laws.

  3. Multiple Parties: In some cases, both drivers involved in the accident may share some degree of negligence. For instance, if the left-turning driver failed to yield, but the other driver was also speeding or distracted, both parties may be partially to blame.

Determining negligence in a left turn car accident requires a thorough investigation, including gathering evidence such as police reports, witness statements, and any available video footage. Consulting with legal professionals can help determine liability and pursue appropriate legal actions.

How Do You Know Who’s At Fault In A Left-Turn Car Accident?

Determining fault in a left-turn car accident depends on the specific circumstances and applicable traffic laws. However, there are some general guidelines that can help identify the party at fault:

  1. Left-Turner’s Responsibility: In most cases, the driver making a left turn is required to yield the right of way to oncoming traffic. If the left-turning driver fails to yield and causes a collision, they may be considered at fault.

  2. Right-of-Way Violation: If the driver going straight or turning right fails to yield the right of way to the left-turning vehicle, they may be deemed at fault for the accident.

  3. Speeding or Reckless Driving: If either driver was speeding or driving recklessly, they may be held responsible for the accident, regardless of the direction of travel.

  4. Contributory Negligence: In some instances, both drivers may share some degree of fault. For example, if the left-turning driver failed to yield, but the other driver was also speeding or distracted, both parties may be considered partially at fault.

Determining fault in a left-turn car accident often requires a thorough investigation, including eyewitness accounts, police reports, traffic camera footage, and other available evidence. Insurance companies and legal professionals can help assess fault based on the specific details of the accident.

Why Are Left Turn Accidents So Deadly?

Left turn accidents are often more deadly compared to other types of accidents for several reasons. Here are some factors that contribute to the severity of left turn accidents:

  1. Intersection Complexity: Left turns typically occur at intersections, which are complex traffic areas with multiple vehicles and potential conflicts. Drivers must navigate through oncoming traffic, pedestrians, and sometimes even cyclists. The increased complexity raises the risk of collisions and makes it more challenging to safely execute a left turn.

  2. Limited Visibility: Left turns often involve crossing multiple lanes of oncoming traffic, which can obstruct the driver’s line of sight. The presence of other vehicles, buildings, or vegetation can further limit visibility, making it difficult for drivers to accurately judge the speed and distance of approaching vehicles.

  3. Misjudging Speed and Distance: Due to the limited visibility mentioned above, drivers may misjudge the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles. This misjudgment can lead to miscalculations when attempting to make a left turn, resulting in a collision.

  4. Timing and Traffic Flow: Left turns require drivers to find gaps in oncoming traffic to safely complete the maneuver. However, the timing can be challenging, especially in heavy traffic or at intersections with short yellow light durations. Drivers may feel rushed and attempt to make a left turn when it’s not safe to do so.

  5. Driver Distraction: Left turn accidents can also be attributed to driver distraction. In today’s digital age, drivers may be distracted by cell phones, GPS devices, or other in-car technologies while making a left turn. Diverting attention from the road significantly increases the chances of an accident.

  6. T-bone Collisions: Left turn accidents often result in T-bone collisions, where the front of one vehicle crashes into the side of another vehicle. T-bone collisions are particularly dangerous due to the limited protection offered by the sides of vehicles, increasing the risk of severe injuries or fatalities.

  7. Speeding: Speeding is a common contributing factor to left turn accidents. When drivers fail to slow down or adhere to speed limits while making a left turn, the severity of the accident is likely to increase.

Given these factors, it is crucial for drivers to exercise caution, follow traffic laws, and remain attentive when making left turns to reduce the risk of accidents and minimize their potential severity.

The Hazards of Making Left-Hand Turns

The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) states that left-hand turns are considered one of the most risky maneuvers for drivers. This is because drivers must carefully consider several factors to safely operate their vehicles. Left turns are more dangerous than right turns due to the following reasons:

  1. Sudden stops: When waiting behind another car while making a left turn, drivers often assume that the car ahead will complete the turn and divert their attention to oncoming traffic. Failing to check if the leading driver has completed the turn can result in a rear-end collision.

  2. Difficulty judging speed: Proper timing is crucial when making left turns, especially in heavy traffic. Failing to accurately gauge the right moment to make the turn can lead to a T-bone accident.

  3. Blind turns: Left turns require drivers to pay attention to traffic coming from both the left and right. However, blind turns make it challenging to accomplish this as drivers must be more cautious about unexpected traffic.

  4. Limited visibility: If other drivers across the intersection are also making left turns, it can obstruct your view. This makes it difficult to see around them and accurately assess the traffic conditions. Drivers may mistakenly assume it is safe to proceed.

Vigilance is the cornerstone of safe driving. Knowing the applicable traffic laws, paying close attention when turning left, and practicing defensive driving are all crucial. This could save your life or someone else’s.

Every driver owes others on the roadway a duty of care. If another person acted negligently and caused your injuries in a left-turn accident, you can file a claim for compensation to cover your financial and physical losses.

Dangerous Intersections Are Tough To Avoid

Dangerous intersections can indeed be challenging to avoid, especially if they are part of your regular route or if there are limited alternative routes available. However, there are a few strategies you can consider to minimize the risks:

  1. Plan Alternative Routes: Explore different routes that may bypass the dangerous intersection. While this might add some extra travel time, it can be worth it for the sake of safety.

  2. Time Your Travel: Consider adjusting your travel schedule to avoid peak traffic hours when intersections are typically more congested and accidents are more likely to occur.

  3. Stay Alert and Be Defensive: When approaching a dangerous intersection, be extra vigilant. Keep an eye out for any red flags such as aggressive drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists. Assume that other drivers may not follow traffic rules and be prepared to react accordingly.

  4. Follow Traffic Laws: Ensure that you are following all traffic laws and regulations, such as obeying speed limits, using turn signals, and yielding the right of way. By being a responsible driver, you can reduce the chances of an accident even in a dangerous intersection.

  5. Advocate for Safety Improvements: If you frequently encounter a dangerous intersection, consider reaching out to local authorities or transportation departments to report your concerns. They may be able to implement safety improvements such as traffic lights, signage, or better road markings.

Remember, your safety should always be the top priority. While it may not always be possible to completely avoid dangerous intersections, taking proactive measures and staying alert can help reduce the risks associated with them.

Common Causes of Left Turn Accidents

Drivers who are planning to make a left turn should refrain from doing so if there is a possibility of an oncoming vehicle colliding with them. Typically, the driver executing the left turn is considered responsible for the accident as they proceed with the turn when it is deemed unsafe.

However, the accident can be influenced by the actions of the driver involved. Another driver could bear some responsibility for the incident. For instance, these principles might be relevant if the other driver disregarded a red traffic light. The other driver might have been exceeding the speed limit. They may have been distracted by talking on a mobile phone or texting while operating their vehicle. It is possible that they were under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or over-the-counter medication.

Drivers need to be aware of these common causes and take appropriate precautions when making left turns, such as yielding to oncoming traffic, eliminating distractions, and ensuring clear visibility before proceeding with the turn.

Insurance companies are well aware of the significant impact that left turn accidents can have. As a result, they often vigorously contest claims related to these types of collisions. In light of this, it would be advisable to seek legal representation from an injury lawyer who can thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your left turn accident and help determine liability.

How To Properly Make A Left Turn

Making a left turn requires careful attention and adherence to traffic rules. Here are the steps to properly make a left turn:

  1. Prepare in Advance: Signal your intention to turn left by activating your left turn signal well in advance of the intersection. This alerts other drivers and pedestrians of your intent.

  2. Position Yourself Correctly: Move into the left-hand lane or the designated left-turn lane, if available, as you approach the intersection. Stay in the lane until you complete the turn.

  3. Yield to Oncoming Traffic: Come to a complete stop at the intersection, if necessary, and yield the right of way to oncoming traffic. Wait for a safe gap in traffic before proceeding with the turn.

  4. Watch for Pedestrians and Cyclists: Look out for pedestrians and cyclists who may be crossing the intersection. Yield to them and ensure their safety before making the turn.

  5. Complete the Turn Safely: Once a safe gap in oncoming traffic is available, proceed with the turn. Make sure to use your mirrors and check blind spots to ensure no vehicles or pedestrians are approaching from other directions.

  6. Maintain a Smooth Path: As you make the turn, maintain a smooth and consistent arc. Avoid cutting the corner or swinging wide, as this can obstruct oncoming traffic or pose risks to pedestrians.

  7. Stay in the Correct Lane: After completing the turn, position your vehicle in the appropriate lane for your destination. Signal your lane change if necessary.

Remember, it’s essential to be patient, vigilant, and aware of your surroundings when making a left turn. Following these steps and practicing defensive driving techniques will help ensure a safe and efficient maneuver.

Getting Help for Your Losses After a Collision

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a driver making a left-hand turn, there are options available to seek compensation. You can consider filing an insurance claim or pursuing a civil lawsuit against the responsible driver. This could potentially help you recover damages to cover medical expenses, lost wages, vehicle repairs, and provide compensation for pain and suffering as well as other non-economic losses.

In most cases involving car accidents, personal injury law firms specialize in handling such matters. They often offer free consultations to individuals and their families who have been victims of accidents. Additionally, these law firms usually work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won’t have to pay anything upfront.

Joel A. Gordon and Associates Provide Expert Legal Assistance for Left Turn Victims

If you have been involved in a left turn accident and believe you are a victim, seeking legal assistance can be beneficial in protecting your rights and pursuing compensation. Every case is unique, and the specific legal process will vary depending on the circumstances. Seeking the guidance of a skilled attorney can help ensure you navigate the legal complexities and increase your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve as a left turn accident victim.