Truck Accident Attorney in Houston

Houston truck accident attorney
Our Most Important Goal is to Maximize The Value of Your Claim.
Our Houston Truck Accident Attorney Can Help!
We are passionate about helping people achieve their dreams, whether through fighting against the wrongs of yesterday or building a future for tomorrow.

Our Houston Truck Accident Attorney Handles All Types of Truck Accident Claims

It is undisputed that most commercial truck accidents are more catastrophic than common accidents between private cars. Typically, a fully loaded commercial truck with a big rig weighs approximately 25 times more than a personal car. This, therefore, means that commercial trucks have more damaging and severe impacts on road accidents compared to personal cars.

Consequently, the disparity in weight has promoted fundamental laws stemming from physics in which most accidents caused by trucks lead to fatality and severe injuries. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Houston, our experienced team of attorneys is here to help. Contact our Houston truck accident attorney for expert legal representation and get the compensation you deserve.

Who is Accountable? Car Drivers or Truck Drivers

Commercial Trucks

Commercial trucks are known to cause over 90% accidents in Houston. These truck drivers must understand that their actions hugely contribute to most of the accidents on the roads. It is also important for others on the same roads with the truck drivers to understand that maximum precaution should be taken while driving near trucks.

While small mistakes like ignoring the turn signal prior to turning may cause accidents, major causes of these accidents are rooted in other factors like exhaustion on the part of truck drivers. If the reasons for the crash are anchored to the failure of following the right turn or the driving at a speed that is not legally recommended, a truck accident lawyer in Houston will be useful in such scenarios. This is an individual who will see to it that you are compensated.

Automobile Drivers

Automobile drivers cause some truck accidents. In such scenarios, the private car owners are mostly responsible for these accidents because of negligence. The primary unsafe activity by car drivers that leads to accidents with trucks is the lack of knowledge in accelerating near trucks, using the breaks near truck drivers as well as being able to determine the series of occurrences in the surroundings. In such scenarios, a personal injury lawyer specializing in car accidents will assist an individual in determining how to proceed while asking for compensation.

Houston Truck Accident Attorney

Houston Truck Accident Attorney

Identifying Causes of Truck Accidents in Houston

Here are the most common as well as dangerous actions by car drivers that cause accidents while driving near a truck:

When Car Drivers Were Held Responsible

  • Driving along a truck’s blind spot
  • Delving into changing lanes while driving near a truck
  • Driving on the right side of the truck while the truck is taking a right turn
  • The wrongful determination of speed in the intersection. Another mistake most private car owners make is turning left when ahead of the truck
  • Driving hurriedly when a truck is changing lanes
  • Not being careful while changing lanes especially when not given sufficient space to pass
  • Driving the car between trucks
  • When swerved unexpectedly by turbulent air, in addition, to crossing the wind while passing a truck
  • Leaving the vehicle unattended on the road. It is also vital to ensure that if a car breaks down, it is removed from the travel lane on time.
  • Pulling into traffic when a truck is beside the road without considering the speed

When Truck Drivers Cause Traffic Accidents

  • If a truck driver is not well trained on the right driving techniques, safety issues as well as defensive driving.
  • Receiving extra payment on deliveries for there to be faster deliveries made. The additional payment encourages faster driving by truck drivers. This is one of the most dangerous activities associated with driving.
  • When the truck driver is given unrealistic expectations as well as schedules by the employer. This encourages faster driving to complete the tasks earlier than expected.

While big truck drivers can be patient and kind on the roads, there are problems that they encounter on the same roads. These problems lead to accidents. In addition to these issues, some personal traits contribute to accidents caused by truck drivers. If an individual is involved in such accidents, the Houston personal injury lawyers or the Houston truck accident lawyers can see to it that an individual is adequately compensated. If the truck driver gets into an accident through the stated scenarios, an individual should consider contacting a truck accident lawyer in Houston who specializes in truck wrecks.

Precautions Drivers Can Take to Avoid Unwanted Truck Collisions

While driving in Houston, say in a major highway, it is vital to be cautious of the surroundings. There could be several causes of an accident. Your day can turn from being the best day of your life to a nightmare.

If this occurs, there will be a need to contact a lawyer in charge of the Houston accidents department. This lawyer must have a clear understanding of what is required in the event of an accident. From the right laws implemented to the procedures of representation, it is vital to be in contact with the right personnel.

Trucking accidents have a grave impact on many lives. Consequently, these accidents are taken seriously by the court of law. To control the number of accidents caused by trucks, drivers need to get enough rest before taking on a driving task. According to federal law, there is also a detailed weight requirement on the maximum side.

These conditions will promote safety during driving. Not only will the driver be safe but also, the drivers in the surroundings. The restrictions on weight help in reducing the effects of collision as well as the impacts. This also works on barring the truck from tipping over as well as causing more damage.

What to Do In The Case of a Truck Accident

After a fatal truck accident, most victims wallow in confusion. This is because most victims are left with significant unpredictable responsibilities including:

  • Hospital bills
  • Series of treatment
  • Medical expenses
  • Pain
  • Emotional suffering
  • Loss of family or friends
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Burns
  • Neck and back injuries

With most commercial trucks supplying numerous products to families every day, many accidents are bound to occur in the process. It is vital to have basic knowledge of how to tackle the incidents according to the federal law if you are a victim. This is because the understanding of law can be challenging with the numerous terms to study in the field. An overview of how compensation is done through the help of a personal injury lawyer explains that it all depends on who is at fault in the scene.

Do the Sizes of Trucks Matter?

In the case of a truck accident, the size of the truck determines the intensity of the crash. Usually, large size trucks, as well as big heavyweight rigs meaning most of these trucks, are involved in fatal accidents. As for individuals who ride in smaller cars as well as SUV’s and trucks, commercial truck accidents can cause enormous damages.

Those who experience such accidents can ask for help from the Houston truck accident attorney. It is essential to seek such assistance immediately the accident occurs so that support is provided instantly before the limitations elapse.

Injury Determination in Houston Truck Accidents

The laws on who is at fault vary depending on the types of vehicle involved in the accident. Generally, most states provide more federal traffic laws and protection to pedestrians as well as bicyclists. This is because these individuals are more exposed to injuries resulting from a collision of trucks and cars. Correspondingly, motorcyclists are prone to more injuries. However, this group of riders follows a different traffic rule because they can be faster compared to an automobile.

Truck drivers on the other side are normally trained as well as certified. They also have to exercise more care while driving along the lanes compared to most drivers. Following these facts, determining who should pay for the damages in the event of an accident is complicated even with the federal law followed. It is even more complex in the case of a truck being the cause of the accident. This is because most trucks are commercially owned. A Houston truck accident attorney can help you assess the damages suffered in truck collisions.

Give our team a call today at 877-213-5004

Injury Costs That You Can Recover

The liability, therefore, may not entirely lie with the driver but with the truck company as well. While it is difficult to determine who should settle the damages, a Houston truck accident attorney in charge of accidents will be in a position to ascertain the worth of the accident including who should pay. Such truck accident lawyers in Houston have vast experience when it comes to calculating injuries acquired in the accident scene as well as the necessities involved in filing a lawsuit. Depending on these approximations, the truck accident lawyer in Houston will advise on the advantages and disadvantages of filing a lawsuit.

Truck-Car Collisions are Quite Dangerous

Car accidents can be traumatizing experiences. Most people who get involved in car accidents suffer traumatizing experiences accompanied by severe injuries. Apart from losing the car, most victims part with emotional trauma. The legal system is in a position to assist the affected parties in sorting out the issues by finding out who is responsible for causing the accident. Through the legal system, an individual can also find out who should pay the doctors. It is projected that most car accidents are caused by distractions.

According to the Department of Texas transportation, there were approximately 100, 000 car crashed in 2015. In the same accidents, it is approximated that over 400 fatalities were as a result of distracted drivers. While some accidents occur more often compared to others, statistics indicate that most commercial truck accidents happen between six in the evening and six in the morning. Most of these accidents are caused by:

  • Fatigue
  • Overloads
  • Poor car maintenance
  • Less driving experience
  • Improper training
  • Intoxication while driving

The above-stated conditions indicate negligence by the driver of the particular vehicle as well as the truck manufacturer. In such instances, a lawyer with big rig accidents experience can assist the victims. For individuals who have been in accidents on any Texas road or highway, the Houston truck accident attorney can offer advice. During such consultation, the personal injury lawyer can provide insight on the way forward. The attorney will also offer advice on the weight of the case against the person who is liable for the accident caused.

How A Houston Truck Accident Attorney Can Help You Seek Compensation

Truck accidents are responsible for most injuries as well as damages. The size of the vehicle has a direct impact on the accident. It is also important to note that the size of the truck has a huge impact on the intensity of the damages.

Most truck accidents require an experienced attorney who can determine the depth of the damage before finding out who is at fault in the scene. For individuals who have been involved in such fatal accidents, the attorney in charge will determine the procedures to take while seeking compensation.

The same attorney should verify the compliance of the vehicle through the state as well as the federal law. Both reports from the lawyer and federal department should indicate that driver, or in other scenarios, the trucking company is to blame for the accident. If there is proof of such blame, then the two parties will be held responsible for the damages and injuries.

If a driver gets into an accident with a huge truck, it is advisable to get a lawyer who will facilitate the process of compensation. An experienced lawyer can be found from the Houston Department. This lawyer will elaborate the terms of compensation including the legal requirements of representation.

What to Expect in Initial Consultation with A Houston Truck Accident Attorney?

The most promising first step towards solving such cases is enlightening you on your rights in relation to the case. A Houston truck accident lawyer with vast experience will explain to you the legal procedure of settling a compensation case. While most of the lawyers will offer a free consultation for the first time, some personal injury lawyers will often ask for your insight in regards to how they can assist you.

Through the consultation, the victim will be in a position to tell if the case has a high chance of being compensated or not. The meeting will tell an individual how strong the case is in addition to helping the victim in preparing for the case ahead.When it comes to accidents caused by trucks, there could be many parties involved. In most scenarios, most lawyers put a stop to the representation when they discover that negligence caused the crash. Although most truck accident lawyers may chicken out in such situations, it is vital to proceed with the representation because there could be different factors to blame for the accident.

Understanding the Settlement Process in Houston Truck Accidents

The settlement process of truck accidents is challenging in that the terms involved in the entire process can be a hard nut to crack. At the same time, the technicalities involved in pursuing justice can be frustrating. This is because most commercial truck owners would like to flee the consequences of what can be termed as their actions.

To receive full as well as fair compensation, it is vital for the affected to seek assistance from a personal injury lawyer. The input of a personal injury lawyer determines the level of compensation an individual is likely to receive. The lawyer in this scenario will ensure that the insurance company in charge of covering the liabilities of the victims is contacted.

Case Settlement

While the contacts may be made, some insurance companies can be stubborn when it comes to settling the affected. In such instances, a meeting is set by the attorney. The meeting is usually between the attorney, victim and the insurance company. The agenda of the meeting is determining if the insurance company will fully compensate the affected.

The proceedings of the meeting will define the direction of the case. This is a crucial stage because the case can lead to a court hearing. This section of the settlement process is called the case settlement. Usually, it is beneficial to the injured individuals because some losses from the accident can be covered even if it is partial. In as much as there might be a legal presentation by the Houton truck accident attorney, it is vital to note that the injured party must grasp the happenings of the case settlement.

Beginning of Trial

During the trial period in court, both parties are in a position to negotiate the terms and conditions of compensation. In most legal cases, this stage is a common practice. The legal process of taking a case to court is usually long and expensive hence a careful consideration of court presentation.

Before your arrival at the court, your Houston truck accident attorney must review all the information. This section of the case involves the lawyer going through the series of happenings at the accident.

The Houston truck accident attorney needs to analyze the situation carefully as a small miss of the steps can land an individual in grievous situations. This is the determinant of the solution. The lawyer will review all information surrounding the case before settling for any negotiations.


The reviews include the facts of the events from the trigger of the accident, the intensity of the caused injuries, the physical damages as well as personal losses. The personal injury attorney will in addition review the federal as well as the state laws tying the trucking accidents as well as the agreement of insurance policy in charge of the liabilities.

It is factual that without a precise determination of the events, it is impossible to determine the actions surrounding the compensation of the accident. Only after the review can an individual be compensated. Depending on the report pertaining to the case settlement, your Houston truck accident attorney in charge of accidents will settle for a package that is beneficial to the victim.

The Judgement

The attorney in charge will have a look at the final review before judgment is passed. Depending on the conclusion drawn by the attorney, the injured party will be granted the authority to make a final decision pertaining to the settlement according to the reviews. As the victim of the events, you have the final word. This decision controls the amount the insurer is willing to part with as settlement.

If you do not consider the amount to be fair, the truck accident lawyer in Houston will offer advice on the same. It is vital to note that this is the last stage of the entire scenario. If an individual makes the wrong decision as the victim, it will be impossible to save the situation by recalling the occurrence of the event. It is important to note that through the attorney, you can settle for a significant amount when it comes to compensation.

The Houston truck accident attorney will guide you by stating that there is no turning back on the offer once an individual agrees to take up such an amount. When the documents for compensation are signed, you will not be in a position to make any further demands. For that reason, the review session is critical, and your attorney should take careful steps towards fighting for compensation. If you are a victim of this kind of event then Our Free Consultation Can Help You!

Our Houston Personal Injury Lawyer are ready for you. Call 281-943-5555 right now.

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