About Us

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Our Most Important Goal is to Maximize The Value of Your Claim.
Our Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help!
We are passionate about helping people achieve their dreams, whether through fighting against the wrongs of yesterday or building a future for tomorrow.

Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

Our Most Important Goal is to Maximize The Value of Your Claim.
Houston Personal Injury Attorneys – Serving Houston TX and Surrounding Areas

For over twenty years, Joel A. Gordon & Associates has helped injured clients with navigating the complex claims process and with recovering compensation for their injuries, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and other damages. Having the experience, knowledge, and confidence to approach each case with diligence, our law firm strives to achieve the best results for our clients. Once we take a case, whether an accident involving a car , a pedestrian , a tractor trailer or motorcycle , we analyze every detail to maximize the clients full recovery.

A Powerful Offense Can Net Million-Dollar Results!

Serious vehicular, industrial, or commercial accidents can sometimes result in clients suffering lifelong medical problems and permanent disabilities. Brain damage , amputations , burns , and lost wages loss are just some of the many problems clients can sometimes encounter; not just today but for the duration of their lives. At Joel A. Gordon & Associates, our mission is to make sure our clients are fairly compensated for their injuries and other damages. We recognize that every case, even if only minor injuries are involved, is important to our client, and we treat each case with great care. Using our knowledge and proven strategies, we will strive to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. If you or a member of your family is injured in a car accident, an experienced Houston truck accident attorney can help. Call for a free consultation .

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer
Trucking Accident Lawyers – Injured by a Large Truck?

Accidents involving automobiles, motorbikes , 18-wheelers , bicycles and other motorized transports often result in serious bodily injuries to the drivers, passengers or innocent pedestrians . Physical changes can impact someones entire life: paralysis due to spinal cord injury ; loss of function in a limb from complex fractures; loss of mental function from a traumatic brain injury (TBI); or overwhelming chronic pain from nerve damage. While not every incident results in such extreme circumstances, we recognize that every injury has the potential to hamper someones ability to work or provide much-needed income, and for that reason, we consider every injury a very serious matter.

Beware! Do not Discuss Your Case with an Insurance Company!

Our personal injury lawyers have established a proven track record for obtaining favorable results. We strongly advise that you consult an experienced attorney before communicating or settling with an insurance company. Remember, the insurance company only cares about keeping its money, not about paying you. When hiring our law firm, we will take action to protect your interest.

Our Advice to hire an experienced Houston personal injury attorney to negotiate with an insurance adjuster or defense attorney especially applies if you have suffered the wrongful death of a family member because of the negligence of a third party. Under Texas law, a “ wrongful death ” claim can be brought by a spouse, parent or child for the death of a husband, wife, son, daughter, mother or father.

Although some accidents are severe, the reality is that most accidents involving motorized vehicles are minor to moderate, causing minor, or soft tissue, injuries. However, we understand that even minor or moderate injuries can cause constant pain because of whiplash or other preexisting medical conditions. Regardless of the severity of your complaints, our attorneys are ready to help you recover money for your medical bills, pain and suffering, mental anguish, physical impairment, disfigurement, lost wages, and other appropriate damages.

What Type Of Claim Do You Have?

Joel A. Gordon & Associates represents adults and children injured as a result of the negligence of others. Among our many past cases have been those involving motor scooters, long haul trucks , uninsured or under-insured motorists, on-the-job and offshore (Jones Act) claims, slip and falls, and more. Having over 21 years of experience practicing injury law, we have the knowledge to understand the complexity of your claim. Because there are too many types of injury cases to identify here, we welcome your phone call to discuss the circumstances of your situation.

Need Medical Care or Surgery, But Can’t Afford The Care?

Have No Health Insurance? Our Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help!

There is no reason to suffer any longer because you cannot afford expensive medical care caused by a car crash, motorcycle wreck , 18 -wheeler , bus, hit-and-run accident or other circumstance. As the law firm has done for many of its clients, we can arrange doctors’ care, physical therapy, MRIs, pain management, and even neck, back, knee, or shoulder surgery. On a case-by-case basis, we can also assist with payment of funeral and burial costs.
Call us for a free confidential consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

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