Dallas Commercial Driver Accident Lawyer

According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), there were 35,635 commercial vehicle collisions in Texas in 2022. These accidents resulted in 601 fatalities, 1,529 suspected serious injuries, 4,845 non-incapacitating injuries, and 8,244 possible injuries. In Dallas County, there were 3,707 commercial vehicle collisions in 2022. These accidents resulted in 35 fatalities, 98 suspected serious injuries, 504 non-incapacitating injuries, and 1,175 possible injuries. If you’ve been involved in a commercial driver accident in Dallas, it’s crucial to seek the expertise of a skilled and experienced  Dallas commercial driver accident lawyer who specializes in handling such cases. With their in-depth knowledge and experience, an attorney can provide the legal representation you need to navigate the complexities of these cases and seek the compensation you deserve.

Causes of Commercial Driver Accidents in Dallas

The causes of commercial driver accidents in Dallas can vary, but some common factors include:

  1. Fatigue: Fatigued drivers pose a significant risk on the roads due to slower reaction times and decreased vigilance [1].
  2. Distracted driving: This includes activities such as using a cell phone, eating and drinking, or looking at a GPS, which can divert the driver’s attention from the road.
  3. Speeding: Driving above the speed limit or too fast for weather conditions is a common cause of commercial driver accidents.
  4. Intoxication: Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can impair a driver’s judgment, coordination, and reaction time [2].
  5. Improperly loaded cargo: When cargo is not loaded properly, it can shift during transit and cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
  6. Poor truck maintenance: Neglecting to properly maintain commercial trucks can lead to mechanical failures, such as brake or tire issues, which can contribute to accidents.

Determining liability in a commercial driver accident can be complex, and it may involve multiple parties, including the driver, the trucking company, and even the manufacturer of the vehicle or its parts.

Dallas Commercial Driver Accident Lawyer

Dallas Commercial Driver Accident Lawyer

Types of Injuries Caused in Commercial Driver Accidents

Injuries caused in commercial driver accidents can vary in severity. Some common types of injuries that can occur include:

  1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): These injuries result from a sudden blow or jolt to the head, causing damage to the brain. TBIs can have long-lasting effects on cognitive function, memory, and overall quality of life.
  2. Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI): SCI can lead to partial or complete paralysis, depending on the location and severity of the injury. These injuries often require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.
  3. Internal Injuries: The impact of a commercial driver accident can cause internal injuries, such as organ damage, internal bleeding, or punctured organs. These injuries may require surgery or other medical interventions.
  4. Fractures: Accidents involving commercial drivers can result in fractures or broken bones, including legs, feet, ankles, arms, hands, collarbone, pelvis, sternum, neck, spine, ribs, and skull.
  5. Back and Neck Injuries: The force of a collision can cause significant damage to the back and neck, leading to conditions like herniated discs, whiplash, or chronic pain.
  6. Limb Loss and Amputation: In severe accidents, commercial driver accidents can result in the loss of limbs, requiring prosthetic devices and long-term rehabilitation.

Accident victims must consult with a competent commercial driver’s accident lawyer to ensure they receive proper compensation for their injuries and related expenses.

Who is Held Responsible for Accidents in Commercial Driver Accidents in Dallas

In commercial driver accidents in Dallas, responsibility for the accident can fall on various parties depending on the circumstances and factors involved. Here are the key parties that can be held responsible for commercial driver accidents:

  1. The Commercial Driver: The primary responsibility often lies with the commercial driver if their negligence, such as reckless driving, distracted driving, or driving under the influence, directly causes the accident.
  2. The Commercial Vehicle Company: The company that employs the commercial driver can be held liable if the accident results from factors like improper vehicle maintenance, inadequate training, or pressure to meet unrealistic delivery schedules.
  3. Vehicle Maintenance Providers: If a third-party maintenance provider is responsible for vehicle maintenance and their negligence or improper repairs contributed to the accident, they can be held accountable.
  4. Manufacturers: If a defect in the vehicle or its components, like brakes or tires, was a contributing factor in the accident, the vehicle or parts manufacturers can be held responsible.
  5. Cargo Loaders: In cases where improper loading of cargo affects the vehicle’s stability and causes the accident, those responsible for cargo loading can be held accountable.
  6. Other Negligent Parties: Depending on the specific circumstances, other parties on the road, such as other drivers or entities responsible for road maintenance, may also share responsibility.

If you are involved in a commercial driver accident in Dallas, it’s essential to consult with an experienced Dallas commercial driver accident lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and determine liability based on the specifics of your case.

Our Dallas Commercial Driver Accident Lawyer Can Assist in Your Claim

If you’ve been involved in a commercial driver accident in Dallas, our team of experienced lawyers at Joel A. Gordon and Associates is here to assist you with your claim. We understand the complexities of commercial vehicle accidents and have a track record of success in securing substantial compensation for our clients.

Our Dallas Commercial Driver Accident Lawyer has extensive knowledge in handling all types of commercial vehicle accidents, including semi-truck accidents, delivery truck accidents, and more. We have the resources and strategies necessary to build a strong legal claim on your behalf.

At Joel A. Gordon and Associates, client satisfaction is our top priority. We offer a free consultation to discuss the details of your case and provide guidance on the best course of action. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that a commercial driver accident can have on your life, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t navigate the complexities of a commercial driver accident claim alone. Contact our Dallas Commercial Driver Accident Lawyer today to schedule your free consultation and start building your case for compensation