Dallas Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Accidents involving pedestrians can have devastating consequences, causing severe injuries and even fatalities. If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident in Dallas, it’s essential to seek the assistance of a skilled Dallas pedestrian accident lawyer.

Pedestrian accidents can occur due to various reasons, including distracted driving, speeding, failure to yield, and intoxicated driving. These accidents often result in serious injuries, such as fractures, head trauma, spinal cord injuries, and internal organ damage. Understanding the causes and common injuries associated with pedestrian accidents is crucial in determining liability and pursuing compensation.

 Dallas pedestrian accident lawyer

Dallas pedestrian accident lawyer

Factors Causing Pedestrian Accidents  in Dallas

The causes of pedestrian accidents in Dallas, Texas can be attributed to various factors. Here are some key causes based on the information obtained:

  1. Unsafe Road Infrastructure: Dallas’s roadways were historically built to prioritize moving vehicles quickly rather than prioritizing pedestrian safety. This lack of emphasis on pedestrian-friendly infrastructure contributes to the high number of pedestrian accidents in the city.
  2. High-Speed Roads: Certain roadways in Dallas have been identified as particularly dangerous for pedestrians. For example, the 1.6-mile stretch of Tomball Parkway (State Highway 249) between Holister Road and Antoine Road has had a significant number of pedestrian deaths.
  3. Lack of Sidewalks and Bicycle Facilities: Inadequate infrastructure such as the absence of sidewalks and bicycle facilities in many areas of Dallas contributes to pedestrian accidents. The Vision Zero plan in Dallas aims to address this issue by constructing sidewalks and improving bicycle facilities.
  4. Socioeconomic Factors: There is a correlation between higher rates of pedestrian accidents and lower-income neighborhoods. This suggests a lack of equitable investment in safe transportation across the city, resulting in higher rates of crashes, injuries, and deaths in these communities.
  5. Driver Behavior: Pedestrian accidents can also occur due to driver-related factors such as failure to yield the right of way, distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence of alcohol.
  6. Pedestrian Behavior: Pedestrians not following traffic safety laws, crossing streets outside designated areas, and being distracted while walking can contribute to accidents.

To address the issue of pedestrian accidents in Dallas, efforts are being made to improve street safety, design pedestrian-friendly streets, enhance lighting, implement pedestrian detection and crash avoidance features in vehicles, and increase public awareness about pedestrian safety.

Compensation in Pedestrian Accidents in Dallas

In pedestrian accident cases in Dallas, compensation may be available to the injured pedestrian if they can successfully prove that the defendant’s negligence caused their injuries. To win a comprehensive financial award, liability must be established, and the nature and scope of the pedestrian’s damages must be proven.

The compensation available in pedestrian injury cases can be categorized into two types: economic damages and non-economic damages.

  1. Economic Damages: Economic damages refer to the actual losses incurred by the injured pedestrian, which can be easily identified with a documented value through available records. These damages may include medical expenses, lost income, property damage, rehabilitation costs, and other quantifiable financial losses.
  2. Non-Economic Damages: Non-economic damages compensate the injured pedestrian for intangible losses that do not have a set value. These damages may include pain and suffering, loss of companionship and support, wrongful death, emotional distress, and other non-monetary impacts resulting from the accident.

It’s important to note that pedestrian accident lawsuits in Dallas are generally subject to a two-year statute of limitations period. This means that injured pedestrians have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit for compensation, starting from the date of the accident. Consulting with a seasoned Dallas pedestrian accident lawyer early on can help avoid missing the statutory deadline and ensure proper legal representation.

Time Limit for Settlement of Pedestrian Accident Case in Dallas

The time it takes to settle a pedestrian accident case in Dallas can vary depending on several factors. Generally, pedestrian accident settlements can take anywhere from a few months to years to resolve, and the specific circumstances of each case play a role in determining the duration.

  • One of the factors that affect the settlement process is the severity and permanency of the injuries suffered in the accident. If the injuries are minor and the recovery is relatively quick, the settlement process may be faster. However, in cases involving severe injuries that require extensive medical treatment and recovery, it may take months or even a few years to reach maximum medical improvement.
  • Negotiations with the insurance company also impact the time it takes to settle a pedestrian accident case. Insurance companies may try to protect their insured party by offering low and unfair settlement amounts or denying fault for causing the accident. These negotiations can prolong the settlement process.
  • Additionally, whether the case needs to go to trial can affect the duration. While most pedestrian accident cases settle before going to court, if the insurance company is unwilling to offer a fair settlement, filing a lawsuit and going through the trial process may be necessary. It’s important to note that there is a general one-year deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit in Dallas.

Given the above factors, it is challenging to provide a specific timeline for settling a pedestrian accident case in Dallas. Each case is unique, and its complexities, negotiations, and legal proceedings contribute to the overall duration. It is advisable to consult with a pedestrian accident attorney who can evaluate the specifics of your case and provide a more accurate estimate of how long the settlement process may take.

Our Dallas Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Can Guide You

Pedestrian accidents can result in severe injuries, ranging from broken bones and internal organ damage to traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. The physical, emotional, and financial toll of these accidents can be overwhelming for victims and their families.

In Dallas, compensation for pedestrian accident cases is determined based on various factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and the extent of negligence involved. Our Dallas Pedestrian accident lawyer will assess your case individually to determine the appropriate amount of compensation you deserve.

Navigating through legal procedures and negotiating with insurance companies can be complex and challenging without proper legal representation. Remember that time is crucial when pursuing a personal injury claim after a pedestrian accident. Seeking legal advice promptly allows your attorney to gather evidence while it is still fresh and ensures that important deadlines are met.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our law firm Joel A Gordon and Associates and get connected to a skilled Dallas  pedestrian accident lawyer who can guide you through the legal process while fighting vigorously on your behalf.