El Paso Intersection Accident Lawyer

Intersection accidents are road accidents that occur at intersections, which are points where two or more roads meet or cross each other. These accidents can involve various types of vehicles, such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Unsignalized intersections, where there are no traffic signals, are the most common type of intersection in the United States and can also be prone to accidents. Additionally, more than 50 percent of fatal and injury crashes occur at or near intersections. If your intersection accident was caused by the carelessness of another driver, you must seek the assistance of a highly experienced and knowledgeable El Paso intersection accident lawyer. They will have the expertise to handle cases like yours with precision and ensure that your rights are protected.

Types of Intersection Accidents

There are different types of intersection accidents, each with its own causes and consequences. Some of the most common include:

  1. Rear-end collisions: These occur when a driver fails to stop in time and rear-ends the vehicle in front of them. This is often caused by distracted driving, speeding, or following too closely.
  2. Angle collisions: These involve two vehicles colliding at an angle, often due to one driver failing to yield the right of way. This can include T-bone collisions and sideswipe accidents.
  3. Head-on collisions: These are some of the most dangerous types of intersection accidents, often resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. They occur when two vehicles collide head-on, typically due to speeding, drunk driving, or wrong-way driving.
  4. Pedestrian and cyclist collisions: These can occur when drivers fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians or cyclists crossing the intersection.

Drivers must remain attentive, follow traffic laws, and exercise caution at intersections to reduce the risk of accidents and ensure everyone’s safety.

Common Causes of Intersection Accidents

Intersections in El Paso witness a significant number of accidents, influenced by various factors. As of 2023, the leading causes of vehicle crashes in El Paso include distracted driving, speeding, and other contributing factors, making them a significant concern for public safety. Here are some of the most common causes:


  • Distracted driving: Using a phone, eating, or engaging in other activities while driving diverts attention from the road and increases the risk of accidents.
  • Speeding: Exceeding the speed limit reduces reaction time and increases the severity of crashes.
  • Failure to yield right of way: Not stopping or yielding to vehicles or pedestrians with the right of way is a major contributing factor to intersection crashes .
  • Aggressive driving: Tailgating, improper lane changes, and other aggressive behaviors can lead to dangerous situations at intersections.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly impairs judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents.

Environmental and Other factors

  • Poor visibility: Rain, snow, fog, or darkness can limit visibility, making it difficult for drivers to see other vehicles or pedestrians.
  • Road design: Poorly designed intersections, such as those with inadequate signage or unclear lane markings, can contribute to confusion and accidents.
  • Defective traffic signals: Malfunctioning traffic signals can lead to drivers making incorrect decisions and collisions occurring.
  • Driver fatigue: Driving while tired can impair judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Distractions for pedestrians and cyclists: Using phones or electronic devices while walking or cycling can divert attention from traffic and lead to accidents.

Understanding these common causes is crucial for preventing intersection accidents. By promoting safe driving practices, improving road design, and enforcing traffic laws, we can create safer roads for everyone.

How an El Paso Intersection Accident Lawyer Can Help with Insurance Claims

An El Paso intersection accident lawyer plays a crucial role in aiding individuals with insurance claims following an accident. Here’s how they can assist:

  1. Legal Expertise: Intersection accident lawyers are well-versed in traffic laws and regulations, leveraging their legal expertise to navigate complex insurance processes and ensure their clients’ rights are protected.
  2. Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Lawyers conduct thorough investigations into the intersection accident, gathering evidence such as witness statements, traffic camera footage, and police reports. This robust evidence strengthens insurance claims.
  3. Liability Determination: Establishing fault in intersection accidents is pivotal for insurance claims. Lawyers work to determine liability, helping their clients present a compelling case to insurance companies.
  4. Negotiation Skills: Intersection accident lawyers are skilled negotiators. They engage with insurance companies on behalf of their clients, aiming to secure fair and just compensation for injuries, property damage, and other losses.
  5. Representation in Legal Proceedings: In cases where insurance claims lead to legal proceedings, intersection accident lawyers provide representation in court. They advocate for their clients’ rights and interests during the litigation process.
  6. Maximizing Compensation: The primary goal is to maximize compensation. Lawyers use their knowledge of personal injury law to ensure their clients receive the full extent of compensation they deserve.

By entrusting an experienced El Paso intersection accident lawyer, individuals can navigate insurance claims with confidence, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Gathering Evidence for an El Paso Intersection Accident Case

It is essential to collect various types of evidence to prove liability and damages. This includes obtaining crash reports, eyewitness testimony, and video footage of the accident. Additionally, preserving physical evidence such as damaged vehicles or road conditions can be important in establishing fault.

Medical bills and records are crucial to showing the extent of injuries sustained in the accident. Photographs of the accident scene and injuries can also provide valuable evidence. Police reports and witness statements can further support your claim. Paystubs and wage loss documents can help demonstrate the financial impact of the accident.

Consulting with an experienced El Paso intersection accident lawyer is recommended to navigate the legal process, secure necessary evidence, and negotiate a settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Calculating Damages in an El Paso Intersection Accident Lawsuit

In an El Paso intersection accident lawsuit, damages are calculated based on various factors. The following methods are commonly used:

  1. Economic Damages: These include tangible losses such as medical expenses and lost income. Evidence of these costs is crucial for determining the economic damages in a lawsuit.
  2. Non-Economic Damages: Pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life fall under non-economic damages. El Paso has certain caps on punitive damages, with specific limits based on economic damages.
  3. Multiplier Method: To calculate non-economic damages, the multiplier method is often employed. It involves multiplying economic damages by a factor between 1.5 and 5, reflecting the severity of non-economic impact.
  4. Per Diem Method: Another approach to valuing pain and suffering is the per diem method, where a daily rate is applied for the duration of the suffering.
  5. Average Settlement Amounts: Understanding the typical settlement amounts in El Paso helps in assessing what might be a reasonable compensation expectation, including medical bills, lost wages, and additional pain and suffering.

El Paso has damage caps, including punitive damages capped at $200,000 or two times economic damages, plus non-economic damages up to $750,000.

It’s essential to consult with a legal professional to accurately assess the specific circumstances of the intersection accident and determine the appropriate damages to pursue in the lawsuit.

The Legal Process for an El Paso Intersection Accident Claim

The legal process for an El Paso intersection accident claim involves several steps.

  • Firstly, it is recommended to consult with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process. The attorney will help gather and preserve evidence, such as crash reports, eyewitness testimony, and video footage, to support your claim.
  • They will also assist in determining liability by investigating the cause of the accident, identifying negligent parties, and proving their negligence. Once the evidence is collected, your attorney will help file the personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
  • They will negotiate a settlement on your behalf and, if necessary, prepare for litigation. It is important to note that the legal process can be complex and time-consuming, so having a knowledgeable attorney by your side is crucial

Filing a Lawsuit for an Intersection Accident

When filing a lawsuit for an intersection accident in El Paso, it is important to gather evidence to support your claim. This can include crash reports, eyewitness testimony, and video footage of the accident.

  • The first step in calculating damages is to determine economic damages, which include medical costs, expected medical costs, and property damage expenses.
  • Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, can be more subjective and difficult to calculate.

Insurance companies often use computer programs or a multiplier approach to calculate settlements, but it is important to consult with a El Paso intersection accident lawyer to ensure a fair settlement.

The settlement amount will depend on various factors, so it is not possible to determine an exact amount without considering the specific details of the case

Compensation Options in Intersection Accidents in El Paso, TX

In intersection accident cases in El Paso, there are two main options for seeking compensation: filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company or filing a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

  • If you are partially at fault, damages may be divided proportionally. It is important to note that El Paso requires all vehicles to have liability insurance, but additional coverage can be added, such as collision and comprehensive, personal injury protection, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.
  • If the at-fault driver does not have insurance, you may be able to file a claim with your own insurance company if you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

It is also possible to hold other parties, such as vehicle manufacturers or establishments that served alcohol to intoxicated individuals, responsible for the accident. Seeking the guidance of an experienced El Paso intersection accident lawyer is crucial when pursuing compensation in intersection accident cases

Protect Your Rights with our El Paso Intersection Accident Lawyer

If you have experienced injuries in a car accident at an intersection in El Paso, our experienced El Paso intersection accident lawyers are ready to support your rights. Don’t attempt to handle the insurance procedures by yourself. Let us handle the legal complexities for you.

According to the laws of El Paso, you have a period of two years starting from the date of the accident to submit your personal injury claim. This time frame is relatively brief when it comes to building a strong case, so contact us today to begin the process.

Contact our law firm Joel A. Gordon and Associates today to discuss your legal options with an experienced intersection accident attorney. Rest assured, there are no charges or commitments involved; you will simply receive informed responses regarding your legal entitlements.