Falling Debris/Poorly Loaded Cargo Accident Attorney in Houston

The Problem of Falling Debris/Poorly Loaded Cargo Trucks in Houston

In Houston, poorly loaded cargo trucks are a particular problem due to the city’s high volume of truck traffic. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there were over 13,000 truck crashes in Houston in 2021. Of those crashes, over 2,000 were caused by unsecured cargo. Poorly loaded cargo trucks are a serious safety hazard on the roads of Houston and across the United States. Our Houston truck accident lawyers understand the complications involved in such cases and can offer case-specific solutions to the affected victims.

When cargo is not properly secured or distributed within the truck, it can result in a loss of stability and increased chances of tipping over, swerving, or jackknifing. These accidents can have devastating consequences, including injuries, fatalities, property damage, and traffic disruptions.

Regulations For Ensuring Safe Cargo Truck Loading in Houston

In Houston, truck cargo securing regulations aim to ensure the safe transportation of goods and minimize the risk of accidents caused by inadequately loaded cargo. These regulations are in place to protect public safety, prevent property damage, and reduce traffic disruptions. The regulations specify the requirements for securing cargo on transfer trucks, including weight limits, load distribution, and appropriate securing methods.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has established guidelines and regulations for cargo securement in accordance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations. These regulations provide detailed instructions on how to properly secure different types of cargo, such as general freight, hazardous materials, and oversized loads.

Some key aspects of cargo securing regulations in Houston include:

  1. Weight Limits: Trucks must adhere to weight limits outlined by TxDOT to prevent overloading, which can lead to increased stopping distances, tire blowouts, and loss of control.
  2. Load Distribution: Proper weight distribution is essential to maintain stability and control of the truck. Cargo should be evenly distributed and secured to prevent shifting during transit.
  3. Cargo Restraints: Cargo must be adequately secured using appropriate restraints such as straps, chains, and binders. The number and type of restraints depend on the size, weight, and nature of the cargo being transported.
  4. Load Covers: Loads that are susceptible to falling debris or becoming airborne must be covered or contained properly to prevent road hazards and accidents.
  5. Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspections of cargo securement equipment, including straps, chains, and binders, are necessary to ensure their effectiveness. Any damaged or worn-out equipment should be replaced promptly.
  6. Training and Certification: Truck drivers, loaders, and other personnel involved in cargo securing should receive proper training on cargo securement techniques and regulations. Certification programs are available to ensure that individuals possess the necessary knowledge and skills.

Non-compliance with cargo securing regulations can result in legal consequences, fines, and penalties. Additionally, accidents caused by poorly secured cargo can lead to personal injury, property damage, and financial losses for all parties involved.

Falling Debris/Poorly Loaded Cargo Accident Attorney Houston

Falling Debris/Poorly Loaded Cargo Accident Attorney Houston

Causes of Inadequately Loaded Cargo/ Falling Debris Truck Accidents

Poorly loaded cargo trucks can pose a number of dangers to other drivers on the road. For example, if cargo falls off a truck, it can create a hazard for other drivers to avoid. Cargo can also damage other vehicles or cause them to lose control. In addition, poorly loaded cargo trucks can make it difficult for the driver to maneuver the vehicle, which can increase the risk of an accident.

There are several reasons why cargo may be poorly loaded.

  • Lack of Proper Training: Inexperienced or inadequately trained personnel involved in loading truck cargo may not possess the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure proper distribution and securement of the load. Without proper training, there is an increased risk of cargo falling off. 
  • Time Constraints: Pressing deadlines and time constraints can lead to hurried loading processes, increasing the likelihood of cargo being improperly secured or distributed within the truck.
  • Insufficient Equipment: A lack of appropriate tools and equipment, such as straps, braces, or load bars, can hinder proper cargo loading and securement, compromising overall safety.
  • Improper loading: Cargo can also fall off if it is not loaded correctly. For example, if cargo is not evenly distributed or if it is not properly secured, it can shift and move while the truck is in motion, which can cause it to fall off.
  • Overloading: When a truck is overloaded, it can make it difficult for the driver to control the vehicle and can increase the risk of cargo falling off.
  • Lack of maintenance: If a truck is not properly maintained, it can increase the risk of cargo falling off. For example, if the truck’s bed is damaged or if the straps or chains used to secure the cargo are worn or defective, it can increase the risk of the cargo falling off.
  • Driver error: Truck drivers are responsible for ensuring that their cargo is properly loaded and secured. If a truck driver fails to do this, it can increase the risk of a falling debris accident.

If you are involved in a loaded cargo/falling debris truck accident, it is important to seek medical attention immediately, even if you do not think you are seriously injured. Some injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries, may not be immediately apparent.

It is also important to contact a Houston truck accident lawyer to discuss your legal options. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Consequences of Inadequately Loaded Cargo/Falling Debris Truck Accidents in Houston

Inadequately loaded cargo and falling debris from truck accidents in Houston can have serious consequences. Here are some of the potential outcomes:

  1. Property Damage: Poorly loaded cargo can result in cargo spills and falling debris, causing damage to vehicles, infrastructure, and property along the roadways.
  2. Personal Injury: Falling debris from inadequately loaded trucks can pose a significant risk to other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists, leading to severe injuries or even fatalities.
  3. Traffic Disruption: Accidents caused by poorly loaded cargo can lead to road closures, traffic congestion, and delays as authorities work to clear the debris and investigate the incident.
  4. Financial Losses: Truck accidents involving inadequately loaded cargo can result in significant financial losses for trucking companies, insurers, and other parties involved in the accident.
  5. Legal Consequences: Trucking companies and drivers may face legal consequences, including fines, penalties, and potential liability for damages, if it is determined that the accidents were caused by negligence or inadequate loading practices.

If you are involved in a transfer truck cargo accident in Houston, it is important to contact an experienced truck accident lawyer to discuss your legal options. A Houston truck accident lawyer can help you to determine who is liable for the accident and to seek compensation for your injuries and losses.


Who is Responsible For Securing Transfer Truck Cargo in Houston

The responsibility for securing transfer truck cargo in Houston lies with multiple parties involved in the transportation process. These parties include the trucking company, the driver, the shipper or loader, and the receiver of the cargo. Each of these entities has a role to play in ensuring that the cargo is adequately loaded and secured to prevent accidents and damage.

  1. Trucking Company: The trucking company is responsible for ensuring that their drivers are properly trained in cargo loading and securement techniques. They should provide comprehensive training programs that educate drivers on the importance of properly securing cargo and the potential consequences of inadequate loading. The company should also establish and enforce policies and procedures for cargo securement.
  2. Driver: The driver of the transfer truck is responsible for inspecting the cargo and ensuring that it is properly loaded and secured before starting the journey. They should have a thorough understanding of the securement regulations and best practices. It is their duty to refuse to transport improperly loaded cargo and report any concerns to their superiors.
  3. Shipper/Loader: The shipper or loader, who is often the party responsible for loading the cargo onto the truck, has a significant responsibility in ensuring that the cargo is properly secured. They should have a clear understanding of the weight limits, load distribution, and securement requirements. It is their duty to properly load and secure the cargo, using appropriate equipment and techniques.
  4. Receiver: The receiver of the cargo, who unloads the cargo at its destination, also has a responsibility to ensure that the cargo is properly secured during the unloading process. They should follow proper procedures and provide the necessary equipment to safely remove the cargo from the truck.

It is crucial for trucking companies, drivers, shippers, loaders, and receivers to be aware of and comply with cargo securing regulations in Houston to promote road safety and prevent accidents caused by inadequately loaded cargo.

Damages You Can Claim in Houston Falling Debris/Poorly Loaded Cargo Truck Accidents

In Houston, if you’ve been involved in a truck accident caused by falling debris or poorly loaded cargo, you may be eligible to claim various types of damages. These damages typically include:

  1. Economic Damages: These are tangible financial losses that you can claim, such as:
    • Loss of income due to inability to work.
    • Medical bills and expenses related to your injuries.
    • Out-of-pocket expenses for medical equipment, prescriptions, etc.
    • Cost of nursing care if needed.
    • Diminished earning capacity if your injuries affect your ability to earn in the future.
  2. Non-Economic Damages: These are less tangible losses related to pain and suffering, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life as a result of the accident.
  3. Property Damage: If your vehicle or personal property was damaged in the accident, you can claim the cost of repairs or replacement.
  4. Punitive Damages: In some cases, punitive damages may be awarded if the trucking company or individuals responsible for loading the cargo acted recklessly or negligently.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified Houston truck accident lawyer who specializes in truck accidents to assess your case and determine the specific damages you can claim. They can help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive fair compensation for your losses.

Discuss Your Case With Our Houston Poorly Loaded Cargo and Falling Debris Truck Accident Lawyer

When the trucking company and its insurer contact you in an effort to settle your claim for less than what you are entitled to for your injuries and other losses, having legal representation ensures that you have an advocate on your side.

In the event that a motor carrier’s negligence results in damage to you, you have the right to hold them responsible. Make an appointment at Joel A. Gordon’s Houston office by calling now!

If you were involved in a commercial truck accident in Houston that may have been caused by unsecured cargo, spill, or falling debris, our Houston truck accident lawyer can move promptly to assist you.