Houston Speeding Accident Lawyer

Why Speeding is Dangerous?

Accidents caused by speeding can have devastating consequences, leading to severe injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma. If you have been involved in a speeding accident in Houston, it is crucial to seek legal representation from a skilled Houston Speeding Accident Lawyer who can help protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

According to car accident statistics, speeding is a significant contributing factor to car accidents and fatalities. In 2020, speeding drivers accounted for 29% of all deadly car accidents in the United States, resulting in 11,258 fatalities.

Speeding increases the risk of collisions occurring and also exacerbates the severity of injuries sustained in those accidents. When vehicles travel at higher speeds, the stopping distance increases, the effectiveness of protective equipment decreases, and the crash forces become greater.

Speeding-related accidents can result in not only fatalities but also a large number of injuries. In 2021, more than 12,000 people were killed in speeding-related crashes, and an estimated 330,000 people were injured. These numbers highlight the serious consequences that can arise from accidents involving speeding drivers.

Houston Speeding Accident Lawyer

Houston Speeding Accident Lawyer

Consequences of Speeding

Speeding is a major contributing factor in traffic fatalities and injuries. It impacts the driver, the vehicle, and the road. When a driver exceeds the speed limit or drives too fast for the conditions, several negative consequences arise.

  1. Reduced Reaction Time: Excessive speeding reduces the time a driver has to react to dangerous situations and avoid collisions. This increases the likelihood of a crash occurring.
  2. Increased Stopping Distance: When a vehicle is traveling at high speeds, it requires a longer distance to come to a complete stop. This extended stopping distance can make it challenging to avoid collisions or mitigate the severity of crashes.
  3. Decreased Effectiveness of Safety Measures: Speeding diminishes the effectiveness of safety features such as seat belts, airbags, and road safety structures like guardrails and barriers. The higher the speed, the less protection these measures can provide in the event of a crash.

It is important to note that a crash is considered speeding-related if the driver was charged with a speeding offense or if driving too fast for conditions, racing, or exceeding the posted speed limit contributed to the crash.

A Houston Speeding Accident Lawyer possesses the expertise and specialized knowledge necessary to handle cases involving speeding accidents. They understand the complexities of traffic laws and the legal implications of such accidents. One of their primary roles is to assist clients in investigating the accident thoroughly. They gather essential evidence, such as accident reports, witness statements, and photographs, to establish liability and build a strong case. Additionally, a lawyer can handle all communication with insurance companies, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you are not taken advantage of during the claims process.

Role of Driver in Speeding Accidents

Speeding significantly increases the risk of accidents due to reduced control over the vehicle, longer stopping distances, and decreased reaction times. The severity of injuries resulting from speeding accidents can be far greater than those in other types of collisions, making them a matter of grave concern.

The role of the driver in speeding accidents varies based on factors such as age, gender, and road conditions:

  1. Age and Gender: Young male drivers, particularly those in the 15-20 and 21-24 age groups, are more likely to be involved in fatal crashes while speeding. In 2021, at least 31% of male drivers in these age groups involved in fatal crashes were speeding at the time of the crash. However, it is important to note that drivers of all ages can be involved in speeding-related accidents.
  2. Road Conditions: Speeding becomes a more critical factor in fatal crashes as roadway conditions deteriorate. The proportion of speeding-related crashes to all fatal crashes increases on roads with adverse conditions such as wetness, snow, ice, or standing water.
  3. DUI: Speeding and alcohol impairment often coincide, especially among younger drivers. While 24% of speeding drivers under the age of 21 involved in fatal crashes are alcohol-impaired, the percentage rises to 40% or more for drivers aged 21 to 54.

Remember, speeding not only endangers the life of the speeder but also puts all road users at risk, including pedestrians, cyclists, and other motorists. It is essential to adhere to posted speed limits and adjust driving behavior to the prevailing road conditions for the safety of everyone on the road.

Traumatic Injuries in Speeding Car Accidents in Houston

The severity of traumatic injuries in a speeding car accident can vary greatly depending on the speed of the vehicles involved, the type of collision, and the location of impact. However, some common traumatic injuries that can occur in speeding car accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI is a serious injury to the brain that can result in a wide range of symptoms, including loss of consciousness, amnesia, seizures, and personality changes. TBI can be fatal, and even those who survive can experience long-term cognitive and physical disabilities.
  • Spinal cord injury (SCI). SCI is a serious injury to the spinal cord that can result in paralysis. SCI can be caused by a direct blow to the spine, or by the sudden deceleration of the body during a car accident.
  • Multiple fractures. The force of a high-speed collision can cause multiple fractures to the bones in the body, including the skull, ribs, pelvis, and limbs.
  • Internal organ injuries. The force of a high-speed collision can also cause internal organ injuries, such as lacerations to the liver, spleen, or kidneys.
  • Soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue injuries, such as muscle tears and ligament sprains, are also common in speeding car accidents. These injuries can be painful and debilitating, and they can take weeks or months to heal.

In addition to these physical injuries, survivors of speeding car accidents may also experience psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can cause a variety of symptoms, including flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and depression.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a speeding car accident, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. You should also contact an experienced Houston speeding accident lawyer to discuss your legal options.

Our Houston Speeding Accident Lawyer Will Build a Strong Case on Your Behalf

Speeding is a traffic violation and is subject to various penalties and consequences under the law. Each state has its own set of traffic laws and regulations regarding speeding. In Houston, Texas, exceeding the speed limit can result in fines, license suspension, mandatory traffic school, and even criminal charges for reckless driving. In the context of a speeding accident, the driver who was speeding may be deemed negligent, making them liable for the damages caused. The injured party may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other related losses.

To build a strong case, our lawyers will gather evidence to establish liability and prove negligence on the part of the speeding driver. This evidence may include witness statements, accident reconstruction analysis, surveillance footage, and expert opinions. By demonstrating that the other party failed to exercise reasonable care and that their negligence caused the accident, our lawyers can strengthen your position for seeking compensation. They will also calculate the damages you have suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and any future costs associated with your injuries.

From investigating the accident and gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies or representing you in court, the team at Joel A Gordon and Associates can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Remember, time is of the essence, so reach out to a trusted Houston Speeding Accident Lawyer as soon as possible to protect your interests and pursue the justice you deserve.