Houston Train Accident Lawyer

Understanding the Severity of Train Accidents in Houston

Train accidents in Houston can result in devastating consequences, including severe injuries or fatalities. There are different types of train accidents that can occur, such as train collisions, derailments, railroad crossing accidents, and workplace accidents. Here’s an overview of these accidents and the laws applicable to them:

  1. Train Collisions: Train collisions can happen due to reasons like human error, mechanical failure, or poor track conditions. These accidents involve trains colliding with other trains, vehicles, or pedestrians, and they often cause severe injuries or fatalities.
  2. Derailments: Derailments occur when a train runs off the tracks, typically due to excessive speed, track defects, or equipment failures. These accidents can cause damage to the train, nearby property, and the environment, with injuries ranging from minor to life-threatening.
  3. Railroad Crossing Accidents: Railroad crossing accidents happen when a vehicle or pedestrian is struck by a train while crossing the tracks. Malfunctioning signals or gates, driver inattention, or poor visibility can contribute to these accidents. Railroad crossing accidents can result in severe injuries or fatalities, especially if the train is traveling at high speeds.
  4. Workplace Accidents: Railroad workers face the risk of various workplace accidents, including falls, being struck by equipment, or exposure to hazardous materials. These accidents can lead to serious injuries and, in some cases, fatalities. Railroad workers may be eligible for compensation under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA).
Houston Train Accident Lawyer

Houston Train Accident Lawyer

Texas Laws Applicable on Train Accidents in Houston

Laws applicable to train accidents in Houston include:

  • Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA): FELA was enacted by the United States Congress in 1908 to protect railroad workers. Under FELA, railroad employees can sue for injuries caused by the negligence of another employee or faulty equipment. It allows workers to seek damages for medical expenses, disability, lost wages, physical and mental suffering, and loss of earning capacity.
  • Statute of Limitations: In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including train accidents, is two years from the date of the accident. It’s important to initiate legal proceedings within this timeframe to preserve your right to file a claim.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a train accident, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced Houston train accident lawyer. They can help determine the responsible party, protect your rights, and guide you through the legal process to seek compensation for your injuries.

Train Accidents vs Car Accidents – Which One is Riskier?

According to an analysis conducted by economist Ian Savage in 2013, traveling by train is much safer than traveling by car. The study compared the number of rail deaths to car deaths between 2000 and 2009 and found that a person was about 17 times more likely to die while traveling in a car than on a train, for the same distance.

Train accidents can result in various injuries and property damage depending on the circumstances. Collisions and derailments are the most common types of train accidents. In train accidents, injuries can include burns from exposure to fire or hot steam, broken bones, lacerations to the face and head, or back injuries from being thrown around during impact.

Factors leading up to train accidents include the speed of the train, the speed of the other vehicle involved, visibility throughout the trip, and whether another object caused the collision.

Car accidents, on the other hand, typically involve two moving vehicles, and factors such as speed, visibility, and road conditions are taken into account. However, car accidents can also lead to severe injuries and medical bills.

In comparison to trains, cars are generally riskier for passengers due to the higher number of accidents and fatalities on the road.

Protect Your Rights and Seek Justice with a Houston Train Accidents Lawyer

If you or a loved one have suffered an injury from a train accident in Houston, it is important to seek legal representation from a qualified train accident lawyer who can help protect your rights and pursue justice for your case. Train accidents can result in severe injuries and even fatalities, and dealing with the legal aspects can be overwhelming while you focus on recovery. A Houston train accident lawyer can handle the legal stress on your behalf, allowing you to concentrate on your healing process.

When selecting a train accident lawyer in Houston, it’s crucial to find an attorney or law firm with experience and expertise in handling train accident cases. They should have a deep understanding of the laws and regulations related to train accidents and be well-versed in the complexities of such cases. Additionally, they should have a track record of successfully representing clients in similar situations.

The role of a train accidents lawyer is to investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, gather evidence, determine liability, and build a strong case on your behalf. They will negotiate with insurance companies and other parties involved to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain, and suffering.

Call Joel A Gordon and Associates Now!

The team at Joel A Gordon and Associates understands that working with railroad companies can be tricky and even intimidating. We are committed to ensuring clients understand every step of the process, so you are never left in the dark about where your case stands.

In addition to their expertise in the legal field, Gordon and Associates bring the personal touch to any case. Our Houston train accidents lawyer are committed to providing the highest possible level of personal attention to the clients, and not treating them as a number. Every client will be kept up to date with their case, and be provided with personalized advice on how to best navigate the process when a train accident occurs. Schedule your free consultation now!