Tag - Man Hit by 18-Wheeler on Loop 410

 Nathan Garza Hit by 18-Wheeler on Loop 410 in San Antonio

Nathan Garza Injured in San Antonio Pedestrian Accident on Loop 410 San Antonio, Texas (September 25, 2019) – A man was hit by an 18-wheeler early Wednesday morning in San Antonio, a local news source reported. The accident took place just before 2:00 a.m. on Loop 410 near Somerset. As per the report, Nathan Garza, 31, was running across the main lanes of the highway when he was hit by an 18-wheeler. Garza was taken to the hospital in critical condition. The police are [...]

Man Hit by 18-Wheeler on Loop 410 in San Antonio

Man Injured in San Antonio Pedestrian Accident on Loop 410 San Antonio, Texas (September 25, 2019) – A man was hit by an 18-wheeler early Wednesday morning in San Antonio, a local news source reported. The accident took place just before 2:00 a.m. on Loop 410 near Somerset. As per the report, the man was running across the main lanes of the highway when he was hit by an 18-wheeler. The man was taken to the hospital in critical condition. The police are conducting [...]