Houston Swimming Pool Accident Attorney

swimming pool accident
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Injured in a Swimming Pool Accident? Our Knowledgeable Houston Swimming Pool Accident Attorney Can Help!

In a very recent U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) report on swimming pool accidents, Texas had the tragic distinction of ranking first in most drowning deaths of children ages 15 or younger. If you’ve been involved in a swimming pool accident in Houston, look no further. Joel A. Gordon & Associates, your trusted legal partners, are ready to fight for your rights. Our skilled Houston swimming pool accident attorney is committed to aggressively pursuing injury claims arising from drownings related to open water and swimming pool accidents & deaths.

Such compiled statistics tend to result in more such tragedies in states with the hottest temperatures. However, adding to this grim picture is another annual study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which found that in a recent four-year span, ten people a day died as a result of swimming pool accidents, with one in five younger than 14 years of age. Half of those drowning injuries treated at Hospital Emergency Departments resulted in severe brain damage with long-term residual effects including serious disabilities or an ensuing lifelong vegetative state.

Among youngest children, ages 1-4, home swimming pools were the leading source of such accidents and accounted for more deaths than any other cause, after congenital birth defects. For older children, ages 1-14, except for motor vehicle accidents , drowning is the most common cause of death, and males dominate that group by 80%.

Houston swimming pool accident attorney

Houston swimming pool accident attorney

Do You Know About Texas Attractive Nuisance Laws?

The legal doctrine known as “attractive nuisance” states that a landowner may be held liable for injuries to children trespassing on the land if the injury is caused by a hazardous object or condition on the land that is likely to attract children. Areas like swimming pools, trampolines, open pits, etc fall under the category of attractive nuisance.

The doctrine generally applies to young children because they cannot understand the risk posed by the nuisance. It does not apply to older children and adults who can appreciate the danger. The property owner can opt for safety features such as childproof fencing. If a child – even if uninvited enters the pool area and is injured due to the lack of safety features, the pool owner is very likely liable for the harm suffered by the child.

What Are the Contributing Factors of Swimming Pool Accidents?

There are several common preventable causes of swimming pool accidents which result in serious injury or drowning death. If a swimming pool, hot tub or spa lacks a four-sided fence enclosure which employs self-latching gates, the chance of someone entering the area without the owner’s permission is greatly increased. Such a person can be a child who resides within the home, a neighborhood child, or any person who lacks adequate swimming skills. If it is after dark and the area is not lit, the opportunity for an accident is multiplied significantly.

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Along with the deficient or missing protective enclosure, lack of proper supervision of the area is another high-ranking cause of tragedy. No matter what the circumstances, someone must act as a qualified lifeguard of every swimmer regardless of age, swimming ability or use of the area. Plenty of accidents occur as a result of slips and falls on the slippery, wet surfaces surrounding the pool.

Critical head and back injuries often are the result of diving accidents where water depths are not made clearly apparent. Improperly maintained drains can cause entrapment of limbs, hair or clothing, especially of small children, with powerful suction leading to drowning or evisceration. And, incorrect or inappropriate access to or use of chemicals meant for disinfection or chlorination of the water can lead to burns, poisoning or other serious injuries, again primarily to unsuspecting children.

Many of these situations can be attributable to negligence by the owner or other responsible parties especially if there are violations to existing pool safety laws in the state of Texas.

Common Swimming Pool Accident Injuries

Swimming pool accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, some of which can be severe or even fatal. Some of the most common pool accident injuries includes:

    • Near-drowning accidents can cause brain damages and affect cognitive abilities.
    • Slip and fall accidents due to slippery surfaces around the pool can lead to head injuries, broken bones, or fractures.
    • Drowning and suffocation due to pool toy entrapments.
    • Traumatic injuries due to pool slide accidents and improper diving boards.
    • Neck and spinal injuries due to diving and pool slide accidents.

Accidents can occur in various settings, including private pools, public pools, hotels, motels, parks, and water parks. Drowning is a particularly significant risk and is the leading cause of unintentional death worldwide, with children and adults both being susceptible to these types of accidents

You Must Seek Legal Help! Contact a Houston Swimming Pool Accident Attorney at Joel A. Gordon and Associates

If you have been victimized in a swimming pool accident, you must consult with a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer. A Houston swimming pool injury attorney or wrongful death attorney at the Houston law firm of Joel A. Gordon and Associates can advise you about your legal options. If negligence can be faulted, you may have a strong case that can bring you maximum monetary compensation to atone for the serious nature of your pain and suffering, debilitation, or lifelong loss.

This valuable consultation is free of charge and will prepare you for what lies ahead as a result of this unfortunate event. Because time may be limited in which you can bring such a case forward, it is strongly advised that you contact us as soon as possible so we can examine all details expeditiously.
Hurry! Our Free Consultation Can Help You!

Our Houston Swimming Pool Accident Attorney is ready for you. Call 281-943-5555 right now.

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